What was the Beginning of this Age?

The Beginning of this Age

To understand the significance of the “End of this Age,” it helps to understand what “this age” is and how it began.

How It Began

Since the beginning of humans on this earth, there has been an ongoing battle between good and evil. The Holy Bible tells of how God created the very first humans, Adam and Eve, and how they were deceived by the evil one in the garden of Eden. They were given the free will to choose to obey God or to rebel against Him. They sinned against God and were kicked out of the garden of Eden. Life has been a struggle ever since.

This world is filled with awesome beauty, yet it is also filled with intense pain and suffering. The recurring theme is: people have been given free will and they don’t always make good choices. Sometimes the bad choices are due to normal human weaknesses and other times there is evidence of something evil at work.

In this age, God allows the evil one to roam this earth but God limits the amount of harm he is allowed to do. During the final few years of this age (at the “end of this age”), God will allow the evil one to wield even more power. Someday God will permanently put an end to everything evil. For now, God allows evil in this world and gives humans the opportunity to choose who they will follow.

In this Age:

1 – People have been given dominion over the earth.
2 – People have been given free will.
3 – Evil is allowed to exist on the earth. There is an ongoing battle between good and evil.

In the Next Age:

1 – People will no longer have dominion over the earth: God will rule the earth.
2 – People will have made their choice: to be with God or to share the fate of the wicked.
3 – Evil will be confined and eventually destroyed (tortured for eternity).

Basically, “this age” is where we choose sides. What side we choose determines how we will spend eternity.

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