What are the Basics about the End Times?

Signs of the End Times

Over 2000 years ago, Biblical prophesies foretold the end of this age. Since that time, scholars and theologians have studied the ancient prophecies and meticulously compared them with historical events. Few could agree as to which historical events matched the prophecies. That’s because it was not yet possible to fulfill all of the end times prophesies. Things have changed.

In the past century, information and technology have advanced exponentially. Events have taken place in the world that were impossible 100 years ago. Today, in our lifetime, the ancient prophesies are being fulfilled. And we are quickly reaching the end of this age.

God designed the end times scriptures to be mysterious because they were only intended to be understood by the people who were living in the end times. Since we are in the end time, it is possible to study God’s word and understand that which God hid from previous generations.

As the end times prophesies begin to unfold, the mysteries of those scriptures are becoming knowable. Some of the meanings are clear. Some are still somewhat veiled. As God’s people try to understand the signs of the end of this age, we must not become dogmatic about theories. God will reveal everything in His perfect timing.

Meanwhile, God will grant wisdom to those who seek Him. God has also warned His people that in the end times, some of the wise will stumble.

35 Some of the wise will stumble, so that they may be refined, purified and made spotless until the time of the end, for it will still come at the appointed time. (Daniel 11: 35)

When this happens, we need to show God’s mercy and grace. We also need biblical discernment in order to know what is true.

What is Truth?

Many people have been taught to believe that truth is relative. But truth is not relative. Each person views, interprets, and experiences the world in his/her own way. That viewpoint becomes their reality — but “reality” and “truth” are not the same thing. While reality may be personal, truth is universal. What people believe to be true does not change what is in fact, true.

For centuries, most people believed that the world was flat. But believing the world was flat did not alter the fact that the world was not flat. People also believed that the sun revolved around the earth, when in fact the earth revolves around the sun. While each person has the right to choose what to believe, they do not have the power to change what is or is not true.

Since “truth” does exist and it is independent of individual interpretation, how do we know what is really true? And what risks do we take if what we believe to be true is not actually true?

If you genuinely desire to know the truth, please stop and take a few moments to pray. Earnestly ask “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” to show you the truth.

29 But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul. (Deuteronomy 4: 29)

32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8: 32)


Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear.


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