Is Islam our Enemy?

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A recent editorial declared that “Islam isn’t our enemy.” Although the article was well-intentioned, it promoted a politically-correct but dangerously naïve understanding of Islam.

In all religions, there are people who follow the religious teachings literally and there are those who pick/choose what they will follow from within those religious teachings. The ones who pick/choose or take teachings out of context are perverting that teaching. Those who follow that teaching literally and in context are being true to the teachings.

History provides many examples of evil people that twisted the teachings of their religion to justify unspeakable atrocities. Oddly, the reverse is true with Islam. As strange as it may sound, the people who are twisting the teachings of their religion are the Muslims who genuinely want to live in peace with their neighbors.

The Islamic terrorists (aka “extremists”) consider themselves to be “true believers” because they are following Islam’s teachings exactly as written in the Koran and the Hadith. The Islamic terrorists are not “perverting” Islam by picking/choosing what teachings they will follow – they are actually obeying it. The “peaceful” Muslims are the ones who are picking/choosing what teachings they will follow: they are intentionally ignoring/denying the non-peaceful passages of the Koran and Hadith. The “peaceful” Muslims are the ones “perverting” Islam. Weird, huh?

Islam is the polar opposite of all major world religions. Because it is so extremely different, it is difficult for the West to understand how very different Islam is. The West assumes that Islam is similar to other world religions. It’s not.


What does Islam teach?

Islam teaches that the Koran is infallible. But in the event that the Koran contains any contradictions, Islamic teachings invoke the law of “abrogation” (aka “naskh” or “tafsir”). This requires that the more recent revelation replaces the earlier one. (2: 106, 16: 101, 13: 39)

The peaceful passages in the Koran were replaced with Muhammad’s final revelation: a mandate for an ongoing holy war against unbelievers. As Muhammad’s final revelation, Surah 9 replaces the earlier passages of tolerance that conflict with it. Surah 9 mandates an aggressive war against unbelievers.

The Islamic terrorists are actually following the teachings and examples of Muhammad (as recorded in the Koran and the Hadith). The “peaceful” Muslims are either unaware of, choosing to ignore, or lying about the final teachings of Muhammad.

Islam teaches that their prophet Muhammad was the perfect man. As such, Muslims aspire to follow the examples he set. The Hadith is the compilation of the actions of Muhammad. Lest there be any doubt as to what Muhammad was teaching in the Koran, examine the behaviors of Muhammad as documented in the Hadith.

While Islam was in its infancy, Muhammad taught that Muslims should live at peace and  tolerate unbelievers. These are the passages that the “peaceful” Muslims follow.

When Islam became stronger, Muhammad moved from Mecca to Medina. Muhammad’s revelations changed from peace/tolerance to hate/war. These are the passages that the “peaceful” Muslims ignore and the Islamic terrorists follow.


Does Islam embrace Basic Human Rights?

The West assumes that Islam embraces human rights. It doesn’t. The word “Islam” literally means “total submission” to Allah and the teachings of the Koran. Freedom is the opposite of submission. Therefore, personal freedom is abhorrent to Islam.

What other world religion denies basic human rights?


Does Islam respect the desires of Women?

According to the Koran:

  • Islam declares that women are literally second class citizens (2:228).
  • Islam states that it takes two women to equal the testimony of one man (2:282).
  • Islam declares that a woman’s inheritance is only to be half as much as her brother’s inheritance (4:11).
  • Islam permits a husband to beat his wife if he deems it necessary (4:34).
  • Islam permits the spoils of jihad war to include taking non-Muslim women as sex slaves (33: 0, 23:5-6, 70:27-30, 4:24).
  • Islam endorses young girls being given in marriage to much older men (65:4).

According to the Hadith:

  • Muhammad declared that because a virgin is shy, her silence indicates her consent to be given in marriage (Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 67-68).
  • Muhammad actually married a 6-year old girl (Aisha) when he was 50 years old and he consummated the marriage when she was 9 years old. (Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64 & 65) (Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234-236)

What other world religion treats women and children that way?


Are all Muslims Islamic?

It is important to understand the difference between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are people. Islam is an ideology that strictly dictates both religious and political standards for the Muslim people. Islamic law controls virtually every detail of a Muslim’s life. All Muslims are required to follow the ideology of Islam.


Does Islam allow people to freely choose one’s own religion?

Although some people are Muslim because they converted to Islam, most are Muslim by birth. Muslim men are allowed to marry non-Muslim women because according to Islamic law, the children belong to the father. This means that any child born to a Muslim father will be Muslim by birth.

On the other hand, Muslim women are forbidden to marry non-Muslim men (because their children would not automatically be Muslim). Under Islamic law, Muslim women who marry non-Muslim men should be executed (it’s called an “Honor Killing”).

What other world religion promises to kill you if you marry outside that religion?

Children of non-Muslim parents are impacted when one of the parents converts to Islam. In an Islamic-controlled country, when one parent converts to Islam the religion of the children under age 15 are automatically converted to Islam. This is done without the child’s consent. As a result, if that child tries to go back to the religion of their choice (other than Islam) he/she will be considered an apostate (someone who attempts to leave Islam). [i]

It is also worth noting that since Islam permits Muslims to lie to non-Muslims, unbelievers don’t have to be told the full truth about Islam before they convert. By the time they know the truth about Islam, they are forbidden to leave Islam.

Islamic law states that apostates should be executed (4: 89). Surprisingly, 90% of Muslims say that they agree with this law.

What other world religion promises to kill you if you leave it?


Is Islam tolerant of Christianity?

Islam is literally the polar opposite of Christianity. In fact, Islam is extremely anti-Christ in its teachings. For example, on the walls inside every Mosque they literally write the words “God had no son.”

Islamic-controlled nations have “blasphemy laws” which state that anyone who blasphemes Allah, Islam, or the prophet Muhammad must be executed. Examples of blasphemy include: referring to God as “Father;” saying that Jesus is the Son of God; saying that Jesus died on the cross; saying that Jesus paid the price of our sins. Anyone who says any of those things in an Islamic-controlled nation can be executed for it.

What other world religion promises to kill you if you talk about a different religious belief?


Peace Treaties with Islam

The Koran permits Muslims to lie to non-Muslims – especially if it benefits Islam. The god of Islam (Allah) condones the use of intrigue to gain an advantage over its enemies. In keeping with the use of deceit, one of the names of their god Allah is “the great deceiver” (3:54, 8:30).

Islam mandates that treaties with non-Islamic nations be temporary. In keeping with the example that Muhammad set in the Treaty of Hodaibya (aka Treaty of Hudaybiyyah ), the maximum length of a treaty is 10 years. Also in keeping with Muhammad‘s example, treaties are to be honored only as long as it takes for Islam to gain an advantage over its enemies. When Islam is strong enough, it will eagerly break the peace treaty and invade its unsuspecting enemies.

According to Muhammad: ‘War is deceit’.” (Sahih Bukhari 52:269)

Who does Islam consider to be its enemies? Anyone who refuses to convert to Islam and submit to Allah (4:101).

What other world religion condones deceit to gain an advantage?


World Peace

The West is told that Islam is a religion of peace. Islam teaches that peace is only possible when Islam rules the entire world. Yes, they desire peace – the kind that would be achieved when the whole world is ruled by Islam.

Meanwhile, Islam teaches that unbelievers should be severely persecuted (9:123) (2:191, 2:193).


The End of Days

The Koran says that at the “end of days” everyone will be required to convert to Islam or be killed. Until that time, unbelievers who are allowed to live in an Islamic-controlled country must pay an excessively oppressive “Jizya” tax in order to “consider themselves subdued” (9:29). Non-Muslims who live in Islamic countries and subdued by the Jizya tax are called “Dhimmis.”

Islam teaches that in the end of days, the Mahdi (the Islamic messiah) and Isa (the Islamic Jesus) will “kill all the Jews” (genocide) and “break all the crosses” (annihilate Christianity). Every Muslim is required to know and accept the Islamic end of days prophesies.

What other world religion actively promotes the persecution and/or genocide of anyone who will not convert to it?



Islam actually does have an agenda regarding unbelievers and world domination. Islam mandates that all Islamists actively work toward the day in which the world will be ruled under Islamic law. That is exactly what the Islamic terrorists are doing.

Because the ideology of Islam is extremely different from other world religions, it is difficult for the West to grasp that the Islamic terrorists are not “perverting” Islam. They are not Islamic “extremists” – they are following the actual teachings of the Koran and Hadith.


Please pray for the Muslim people. They are not the enemy.

But be warned: Islam is not what it seems.


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