What If?

At some level, everyone knows that they will eventually die but few people give it very much thought. Most people live as if we have all the time in the world. But what if we don’t? What if our time is more limited than we think?

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psalm 139: 6)

God created us and He knows the number of days that we will live on this earth. If you knew exactly when you were going to die, would you spend your remaining time on earth any differently than you currently do? How might your priorities be different based on the amount of time you think you have.

What if you knew when you were going to die? What if it was going to be…

5 years from now?

It takes a while to wrap your mind around not being around for certain events (e.g. graduations, weddings, births, etc) that you expected to enjoy. What now?

  • Who would you call?  Would you contact them right away? What would you tell them?
  • What would you do? What would you start doing that you’ve been postponing? What would you finish doing that has remained unfinished? What would you do with the resources you have (e.g. money, material things)? What actions would you take to ensure that your loved ones will be okay after you are gone?
  • Where would you go?

5 months from now?

With only 5 months, the clock is ticking. You can only do so much in such a short time. But there is still enough time for important things.

  • Who would you call?  Would you contact them right away? What would you tell them?
  • What would you do? What would you start doing that you’ve been postponing? What would you finish doing that has remained unfinished? What would you do with the resources you have (e.g. money, material things)? What actions would you take to ensure that your loved ones will be okay after you are gone?
  • Where would you go?

5 weeks from now?

Time is much shorter with only 5 weeks. Less than 2 months. Still enough time to do what really matters.

  • Who would you call?  Would you contact them right away? What would you tell them?
  • What would you do? What would you start doing that you’ve been postponing? What would you finish doing that has remained unfinished? What would you do with the resources you have (e.g. money, material things)? What actions would you take to ensure that your loved ones will be okay after you are gone?
  • Where would you go?

5 days from now?

Not much time for the other stuff but still enough time for what really matters.

  • Who would you call? What would you tell them?
  • What would you do? What would you start doing that you’ve been postponing? What would you finish doing that has remained unfinished? What would you do with the resources you have (e.g. money, material things)? What actions would you take to ensure that your loved ones will be okay after you are gone?
  • Where would you go?

5 minutes from now?

Just before the last few minutes of life begin to pass by, priorities become much clearer.

  • Who would you call? What would you tell them?
  • What would you do? What would you start doing that you’ve been postponing? What would you finish doing that has remained unfinished? What would you do with the resources you have (e.g. money, material things)? What actions would you take to ensure that your loved ones will be okay after you are gone?
  • Where would you go?

5 seconds from now?

Just a few final breaths before this life ends.

  • Who would you call?  People who realize that could die at any moment do tend to call out to someone. People who served in WW2 have said that “there are no atheists in foxholes.” When people realize that they are about to die any moment, they usually call out to God. That is because at some level, everyone knows that God exists.
  • What would you do? When people realize that they are about to meet their Maker, they generally react in three different ways. Some are angry and defiant. Some are unsure and scared. Some are peaceful and hopeful.
  • Where would you go? The choices we make during our life on this earth will determine where we spend eternity. If you choose God today, you have the assurance of knowing where you will spend eternity. Don’t wait until your final breath. You might not have 5 seconds.

Why does our concept of time change our priorities?

When we think we have plenty of time, we tend to squander it. The time passes so much faster than we realize. Important things remain unsaid and undone.

Have you spoken to your loved ones about what matters most? Have you told them you love them? Have you told them about how their choices determine where they spend eternity? Do you know that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life? Do your loved ones know?

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. (John 14: 6)

What if… the world as we know it was likely to change in the very near future?

The world as we know it will be very different after the 6th Trumpet war and during the 7+ years that follow it. We do not need to fear but we are to recognize the signs of the times and we are to be prepared (in the way that God would have His people prepare).

Why do we waste precious time focused on the distractions of this world instead of keeping out eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and preparing for His return?

18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 18-20)

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