Why is 9/11 important to Islam?

flag of ottoman empire

There was a very specific reason that the Islamic terrorists chose to attack the USA and the World Trade Centers on September 11th: They were declaring that the Islamic Ottoman Empire was officially reborn and that they intended for Islam to dominate the world.

Islam is not only a religion: it is a very strict form of government. Islam teaches that all the people of the world must eventually submit to Islamic law (Sharia law). This basic belief was recorded by their prophet Muhammad in the Koran, which they believe to be the infallible word of “Allah”. The word “Islam” literally means “submission” to Allah.

The Symbolic Targets of 9/11

The targets that were chosen for the terrorist attack on 9/11 were symbolic of everything that Islam hates about the USA: a government based on personal freedoms / inalienable rights,  protection of the weak, and free enterprise.

The Islamic war against Democracy & Freedom

When the Islamic terrorists targeted the White House, Islam was openly declaring its intent to destroy the USA government and what it represents: government by the people and for the people. Islam hates the USA form of government because the USA represents freedom and inalienable rights. The concept of personal freedom and/or human rights is fundamentally abhorrent to Islam. Freedom is the opposite of submission.

The Islamic war against Protection of the Weak

When the Islamic terrorists targeted the Pentagon, Islam was declaring its intent to destroy the USA military and what it represents: a military power that seeks to prevent the oppression of peoples. So long as the USA remains under its current form of government, the USA continues to use its considerable military power to stop aggressive nations from oppressing peoples and violently achieving world domination.

It is worth noting that Islamic propaganda tells Muslims that the USA is the “great oppressor” who desires to “take over the world.” Islamic leaders call themselves the “liberators.” Ironically, the opposite is true.

The USA has a long history of trying to protect/liberate a country from invasions/oppression and then giving the country back to the people to govern themselves (e.g. protecting Europe from Hitler in World War II and then helping to rebuild Germany and Japan after the war). Whereas, Islam has an extensive history of aggressively taking over neighboring nations and forcing the people to submit to Islamic law (e.g. the history of the Islamic Ottoman Empire).

The Islamic war against Free Enterprise

When the Islamic terrorists targeted the World Trade Center, Islam was declaring its intent to destroy the world’s economic system and everything it represents. The concept of free enterprise does not fit within Islamic teachings.

Despite vast amounts of money that Islamic countries receive from the sale of petroleum, the people of those areas continue to live in abject poverty. Islam teaches that Muslims should not be tempted by material things – but it also encourages the Muslim people to fight for the expansion of Islam and then enjoy the booty (spoils of war) from conquering other nations.

The Ottoman Empire

Following the example of their prophet Muhammad, the Islamic Ottoman Empire was determined to conquer the world. For 300 years, the Ottoman Empire expanded their territories, systematically conquering each neighboring nation. They appeared to be unstoppable. In keeping with the mandated teachings of the Koran, they were in the process of conquering the world. Everything changed on September 11, 1683.

The Battle of Vienna

The Ottoman Empire laid siege to the city of Vienna for two months. For the first time, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation joined with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Holy League) against the invading Ottoman Empire. The battle was won by the combined forces. That battle is considered to be the turning point in the struggle between the Holy Roman Empire and the Ottoman Empire. September 11, 1683 marked the beginning of the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Later, the Ottoman Empire was completely dissolved after being on the losing side of World War I.

The Revived Ottoman Empire

Since that time, the Islamic world has dogmatically worked toward restoring the glory of the Ottoman Empire – and longingly looked forward to its glorious expansion until Islam finally rules the entire world. Lest Westerners think that the Muslims’ dreams of the Ottoman Empire are a thing of the past, take a look at Turkey’s flag: it is identical to the flag of the Ottoman Empire.

9/11 was a Declaration that the Ottoman Empire was being Revived…
& the Beginning of World War III


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